Criminal Defense Lawyer in Luzerne County
Proudly Serving Lackawanna, Monroe, Columbia, Wyoming, Susquehanna, Schuylkill, Carbon, Pike & Wayne Counties
Everyone has rights and the American justice system is founded on that reality. In the world of criminal law, that starts with every accused person having the right to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise. Those rights extend to being judged by a jury of one’s peers, and to have a lawyer present.
All of these rights are vital, but it bears asking the question—how much value will the rights be in practice, if the accused person does not have access to a highly qualified Luzerne County criminal defense law firm?
The reality is that being charged with a crime can be scary. The full weight of the District Attorney’s office may be pressing down upon the accused, anxious to get a conviction and close the case. The general public may ignore the presumption of innocence and rush unfairly to judgment. The resources the prosecution has to investigate a case and gather evidence can make a case seem like a “slam dunk” when it really is not.
To address these inequities is why the Law Office of William I. Abraham is here.
Call the Law Office of William I. Abraham at (570) 762-9988 or reach out here online. Serving the counties of Luzerne, Columbia, Lackawanna, Monroe, and beyond.
Why Choose an Experienced Pennsylvania Defense Attorney?
With over 20 years of successful experience under our belt, we can counter the pressures brought by the D.A. with our knowledge of the law and holding authorities accountable to respect due process. We know how to go about selecting a jury that can be fair-minded and impartial. And above all, we understand how to investigate a case, gather our own evidence, and then deliver a compelling presentation to the jury.
The system is designed to favor defendants. Convictions have to be unanimous votes from a jury of twelve people. The proof against the defendant must be considered beyond a reasonable doubt. But whether those advantages play out in a real world that can be unfair, may well come down to the Luzerne County criminal defense law firm representing the defendant. Let the Law Office of William I. Abraham be there, standing in the breach between you and the prosecutor.
Contact us by calling (570) 762-9988 or through filling out our online contact form, and we’ll set up a free consultation.
What Sets Us Apart
Personalized Attention To Every Case
20+ Years of Criminal Law Experience
Free Case Evaluations
Member of the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, & Florida
Wide Ranging Criminal Defense Legal Services
Prosecutions and the violation of rights come in a variety of forms. Something as simple as a traffic ticket can be a major problem for someone who would have a hard time affording insurance rates, or is at risk of a license suspension. If the traffic stop resulted in a DUI charge, the defendant’s potential problems are even more significant.
Then there’s the gravest charge that a prosecutor can bring, and that’s for murder. In the state of Pennsylvania, murder convictions have at least the possibility of the death sentence. We have the experience and know-how necessary to defend clients against all homicide charges, from murder to manslaughter.
We do further work on cases ranging from drugs to allegations of a sex crime, to theft, to assault and domestic violence.
Being charged with a crime isn’t the only way a person can lose their rights. What happens to the person who can’t feel safe in their own home because of the threat of abuse? Or the person whose civil rights have been violated by someone who abused their authority? Both of these need legal redress, be it in the form of a restraining order or a civil rights lawsuit. The Law Office of William I. Abraham works hard to secure that.
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